Country Club Road is a residential community, with winding tree lined roads, quiet neighborhoods, and open lands. The Proposal is incompatible with the current and future development of the Country Club Road Community. It does not comply with the Comprehensive Plan or land use designations in the City or County. Assisted Living Facilities are commercial operations - the "other non-residential uses."
Policy 1.3.2:
Residential-Low Density. Attached, detached, and manufactured residential uses ranging in density from 2.01 to 10.0 dwelling units per acre shall be mapped as Residential-Low Density on the Future Land Use Map. Secondary uses that are generally compatible with Residential-Low Density include houses of worship, schools, and recreational uses such as clubhouses, golf courses, and playgrounds.
A. Properties designated as Residential-Low Density may be located along existing or proposed arterial, collector, or local streets. Where properties designated as Residential-Low Density are located along an arterial roadway, no individual platted lots shall directly access the arterial street.
B. To further the objective of creating a compact and efficient growth pattern, all new residential subdivisions shall be required to connect, when possible, to existing adjacent subdivisions, and/or provide for future access to adjoining vacant tracts of land.
C. All residential subdivisions containing 60 or more building lots should provide a minimum of two access points, and when possible, access points on to multiple roadways.
D. Residential development planned as a single, mixed-use development may include one non-residential use, occupying not more than one acre of land, including parking and stormwater retention facilities, and limited to local convenience and service areas, for every 50 dwelling units. The non-residential use shall not exceed 5,000 square feet of gross leasable area.
E. Any parcel located along or within 1,320 feet (1/4 mile) of an established or proposed fixed transit route may be permitted up to 12 dwelling units per acre
F. The maximum intensity for assisted living facilities, nursing homes, and dormitories shall be 20 beds per acre.
Land use designations for the surrounding areas are found in the Maps below. NOTE: the areas in white which are contiguous and closest to Schulz’ property are in the COUNTY and have not been addressed by the City.